Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reflections ~ Waiting to see if I have Uterine Cancer

By Sammi Love

Today is March 7th and my long awaited biopsy date is here. I am sitting in the hallway of the Medical Building. I am patiently impatiently waiting to get this show on the road.Diagnostic Hysteroscopy and be put under general anesthesia.

Yesterday my doctor's office called me at 6:30am to see if I could have my biopsy yesterday, but I had no one to drive me back from the appointment so I declined and stayed with my original appointment. So here I am today, sitting, calmly waiting, anticipating the results of this biopsy that hasn't even been taken yet.

My husband is filled with nervous energy. He is carrying so much weight on his shoulders. He is the sole bread winner at this time, the guy who tries not to wear his emotions on his sleeves. He has failed today. His focus is non-existent as he tries to mask his fears. His energy is bound up tight and ready to explode. I don't need or want to be nervous right now. I have been really good at keeping my anxiety at bey through this process and I'd like to keep it that way.

My oldest son came and say with me and we talked about how excited he is to start at his new college in the Fall. We got his tax paperwork together and he left for his appointment to get his taxes done.

I went by my youngest daughter's school to pick up her report card. She is doing well in her classes, in fact she made the honor roll with a 3.33 GPA. We have managed to keep her and her other brother unaware of this current health scare, but today she really wanted leave school with us. She begged to come with me to the doctor ~ in her little mind she knows something is not right. I decided not to burden her with extra stress unless the results come back positive. She and her brother will be allowed to enjoy their childhood as much as they can for as long as they can and if this result is negative then the less they know about the process the better.

It's 3:29pm now and I am waiting in the office now. All checked in and ready to rock and roll! The ladies in waiting are gone from the couches and they smiled politely as they lovingly patted their bellies after their OB/GYN check ups. But I sit here reflecting on the many times that I was excited to walk into this office, yet today I sit here dreading the music, the magazines and the cheerful staff.

The pregnant bellies remind me of happier times, times before my body revolted against me.

My name was just called so I am now in the outpatient medical suite. My blood pressure is 114/70 and I've lost 6 pounds since my doctor told me that she thought I might have uterine cancer on Valentine's Day, believe me I didn't see that coming!

It must be stress weight loss because I have certainly been eating a little naughtier than usual.

The walls are thin here or either the ultrasound machine is against the wall. I can hear a babies heartbeat and I begin to calm down and then I remember I am over 40 and there will be no more babies for me! I have had my time and I have had my kids.

It's time for the next phase in my life.

I hope that this phase will begin as a non-cancerous pre-menopausal phrase. 

Based on the results of this biopsy, I will either have a full hysterectomy if these cells are cancerous or I will have a partial hysterectomy if these cells are not cancerous. Either way, I am entering the post child-bearing phase of my life and I have to be okay with that.

My doctor greets me and goes over my 3D ultrasound results from the hospital, which identifies a large area of abnormal cells in the uterine wall. She goes and tell me that since I have had an ablation previously scar tissue may prohibit her from getting a clear biopsy today and if that is the case I would need to reschedule and be checked into the hospital for a Hysteroscopy.
"WTF," I think to myself.

So I sit on the table and get two shots in my cervix and a rod to dilate my cervix. She adjusts the rod which is supposed to help my cervix dilate and no luck. She gently (gently according to her my cervix begs to differ) readjusts the rod and again no luck. She smiles at me after this 10 minute adventure and pats my leg and she tells me that I will have to go to the hospital to have the Diagnostic Hysteroscopy to be done and I will be put under general anesthesia.


Her assistant comes in to re-check my blood pressure as I lay half naked on the table with tears flowing uncontrollably now as I ponder yet more waiting to determine if the beast known as cancer is back. My blood pressure is 124/76. I am fine to get dressed and go home. I'm sent home with Motrin for cramping and pain.

My doctor says I will be contacted within the week to schedule my appointment for my outpatient Diagnostic Hysteroscopy. I leave the Medical Building in complete frustration and I begin to laugh through my tears as I think about all of the things that are at my fingertips.

I reflect on how we live in an instant society. We make choices on a daily basis so that we do not have to wait to satisfy our desire for information. Patience has truly been lost within me and waiting is unbearable. In an instant I can have the latest music, breaking news, iBooks, the Internet and yet I have to fucking wait for 2-3 more weeks to find out what the hell is wrong with me! The waiting continues.


Note from Sammi: I know that some people will view this as too much information but I am writing these posts to encourage others to make sue that they stay on top of their health and hopefully this will help inform others about cancer.

Sammie Love is a wife, mother of three children, and an Early Childhood Educator and Professional Development Trainer for Teacher's entering the field by day. She is a sexy erotica writing super heroine unleashing passion on paper by night. She is an active blogger and has recently started writing a book about parenting children with learning differences.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

*gasp* I never thought this would happen

I've been stalking a fan of Danielle Laporte's since I met her a Blissdom in 2008 (and never know if she remembers who I am so I qualify how I know her EVERY SINGLE TIME because I'm a dork like that) and have been soaking up every ounce of online wisdom she puts up on her website but today... wait a moment, I need a tissue...

Today... while cruising on her website to post something to pop my Pintrest cherry, I saw something on her website and literally GASPED out loud in disbelief.

There’s no such thing as destiny. Life really is what you make it.
graphic via Dotana van Lee, Deviant Art 

Oh. Mah. Gawd.

I don't believe how passionately I disagree with her on this one. The other night I got into a heated discussion with a friend about death and his firm stance on, "Once you're dead, you're dead."

I don't believe that because I've had too many spiritual experiences to think that this is the only life you live or that once you die, that's it. It's my belief and we're all entitled to our beliefs so we ended up hugging it out (although secretly I wanted to smack him around a little, I'm not gonna lie).

Anyway, back to this "no destiny" thing. It sounds a little too much like Sarah Connor's "No Fate" quote in James Cameron's earliest masterpiece The Terminator, where Sarah changes the course of history by killing the bad guy.

Or does she?

Yes, that's my arm and a real tattoo

Last year I started researching the concept of soul mates and came across the Red String of Fate. The belief  stems from a Chinese legend about an old lunar God who connects people by a red thread. The people are destined to meet lifetime after lifetime, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.

What I love about this belief is that it goes beyond the typical "soul mate" connection of romantic love. If you're connected by the Red String of Fate, the person could be in your life as a friend, child, sibling, parent, or some other relationship that you have where you can't explain the connection but it's there whether you understand it or not.

Don't get me wrong. I don't sit and wait for magical things to happen in my life but growing up where I did and being surrounded by the people I was surrounded by, I somehow knew that I was meant for better things. I knew my life would not end up the way other people said it would.

I remember multiple occasions being told that I would "end up just like my mother; pregnant at 18, on welfare, never making a difference."

Whether it was my determination not to end up like my mother or not, I firmly believe my destiny, my path, my whatever you want to call it, was going to lead me away from the life I was born into. There were many times the universe tested me and made me fight to be on the path I'm on now, and many times it would have been easier to choose to end up "just like my mother" but for me, it was never really an option. It's like there was some unseen force pulling me along when I didn't want to get back up.

I believe our lives are like those "Choose your Adventure" books we used to have when we were kids. I was always fascinated with them and now I see why. The choices we make lead us on different journeys in our life; whatever fate or destiny the universe has in store for us is there but it's up to us to see the signs and make the choice.

So, Danielle, I adore you and think you're brilliant but on this one, I respectfully disagree.

What do you think? Do you believe there is no fate? Let me know, I'm curious to find out your thoughts.

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